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Terms of harvesting carrots for storage

Terms of harvesting carrots for storage

The question of when to remove carrots from the garden is one of the most controversial: some gardeners recommend doing this as early as possible, as soon as the root crops are ripe and gain weight, while others, on the contrary, believe that harvesting carrots should be late, this is the only way the vegetable is fed all useful microelements.

Kuban grapes

Kuban grapes

Unpretentious and early grape varieties are popular among gardeners. Each of them wants to feast on juicy berries as early as possible. Such varieties are less susceptible to fungal diseases. Kuban is one of the best early black grapes. It appeared quite recently, but has already gained popularity.

Planting Norway maple - tips for garden owners

Planting Norway maple - tips for garden owners

The Norway maple enchants with its beautiful color in autumn. Under certain conditions, the tree can also be planted in the garden. The Norway maple is a common representative in our cities and villages. The trees grow on the roadside, as well as in gardens and parks.

Tomato Riddle: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Riddle: characteristics and description of the variety

To ensure a generous and varied harvest, gardeners plant several varieties of vegetables. And, of course, everyone is trying to harvest early. For this purpose, early ripening tomatoes are selected. The tomato variety Zagadka is just optimal for both experienced and novice summer residents. Characteristics of the variety Determinant bushes of the tomato variety Zagadka are formed by strong and powerful trunks.

How to get rid of whitefly on strawberries: spring, summer, autumn

How to get rid of whitefly on strawberries: spring, summer, autumn

Fighting whitefly on strawberries, as well as on other crops, is quite difficult, since this pest has an increased level of survivability. And to cope with the problem, you need to apply comprehensive measures to destroy the insect. Otherwise, the bushes will not be able to fully develop, yield crops and freeze in winter.

Tomato Golden mother-in-law: reviews, photos

Tomato Golden mother-in-law: reviews, photos

Growing tomatoes on plots, many vegetable growers discover varieties that they consider to be their godsend. They like everything from their appearance to the comfort of their care. These tomatoes stay on the beds for many seasons, delighting their owners with a delicious harvest. Among such "finds" many call the tomato "Golden mother-in-law".